
Ice  wind tunnel and durability tests of new developed icephobic coatings for aerospace applications

Objectives: Defining the requirements of the new developed ice-phobic coatings for aerospace applications; perform ice accretion and ice adhesion tests on the coatings in reproducible icing conditions (e.g., as defined in FAR 25 App. C); characterize coating stability and durability with UV exposure, salt spray, rain and sand erosion tests;

Expected Results: This work package aims at doing a thorough characterization of the ice-phobic properties of the LubISS coatings developed according to aeronautic requirements set by AGI/Airbus according to a test matrix all partners must agree upon. An AGI-proprietary ice adhesion test will be applied.

  1. Characterisation of the overall material properties of the developed coatings with standard surface analysis tools on coupon tests.
  2. Characterisation of the designed functionalities of the coatings and performance assessment (i.e., reduced ice adhesion or delay of ice formation and growth) with lab-scaled and full-size icing wind tunnel tests and ice adhesion measurements on coupon tests and scaled aerodynamic profiles.
  3. Develop physical understanding of the main parameters influencing interactions between ice or contaminants and the lubricant impregnated surfaces under close-to-real operating conditions.
  4. Characterization of the aging/durability of the developed coatings with lab-scaled and full-size icing wind tunnel tests.

For further information please contact:
Prof. Elmar Bonaccurso, elmar.bonaccurso@airbus.com

Airbus Group Innovations, Munich, Germany


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